How Far The Money Can Take You In Life?

4 min readAug 29, 2022

“A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.” Jonathan Swift

Photo by Paulo Silva on Unsplash

I have been reading and writing about money from quite some time and that’s a wonderful journey so far. The goods and the bads about money is interesting and fascinating as well.

Beyond goods and bads, there is one more aspect to the money which we all should ponder over. Yes, its the same as title suggest.

Well, how far money will take us?

The Story

A multimillion dollar company CEO Mr. John Ferris went to a vacation to explore the nature in the mountain land in India. There he wanted to actually stay in village to understand and experience the life in mountain land.

There he met a vegitable seller named Bharat in the village who hosted him in the village for a week. John was exited for the upcoming week since his vacation is gonna give him a complete new experience.

Few days passed away and john noticed that the Bharat is taking limited amount of vegetable to the village market and sell them away within few hrs and then come back home and play with kid, spent time with family and then go to sleep and wake up late in the morning then repeat the same everyday.




Writer at soul- Love writing what I live; you will read about Personal finance, Habits, Spritual Experiences & Holistic self development.